Home > Blossary: DB
Company: LOreal
5 Terms
Created by: dalmalakatos
Number of Blossarys: 1
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English (EN)
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An aerosol foam used to control and style the hair.
Domain: Cosmetics & skin care; Category: Cosmetics
Аерозолна пяна, използвана за контрол и оформяне на косата.
Domain: Cosmetics & skin care; Category: Cosmetics
Hair color is the pigmentation of hair folliclesdue to two types of melanin.
Domain: Cosmetics & skin care; Category: Cosmetics
Цветът на косата се нарича пигментацията на фоликула на косата, която зависи от два типа меланин.
Domain: Cosmetics & skin care; Category: Cosmetics
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