Home > Blossary: EN_ES Forex Trading Glossary
Glossary of forex trading terms


Company: Bank of America Corp.

38 Terms

Created by: a alexflores

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

Un beneficio financiero que se realiza cuando la cantidad de ingresos obtenida de una actividad comercial supera los gastos, costos e impuestos necesarios para mantener la actividad.

Domain: Investment; Category: Stock exchange

A financial benefit that is realized when the amount of revenue gained from a business activity exceeds the expenses, costs and taxes needed to sustain the activity.

Domain: Investment; Category: Stock exchange

Una forma de dinero aceptada en forma de monedas y billetes que emite un gobierno y que circula dentro de una economía.

Domain: Investment; Category: Stock exchange

An accepted form of money in the shape of coins and paper notes that is issued by a government and circulated within an economy.

Domain: Investment; Category: Stock exchange

El acto de la negociación de un activo, o la realización de una operación financiera, que tiene un alto riesgo de perder la mayor parte o la totalidad del desembolso inicial, a la espera de una ...

Domain: Investment; Category: Stock exchange

The act of trading in an asset, or conducting a financial transaction, that has a significant risk of losing most or all of the initial outlay, in expectation of a substantial gain.

Domain: Investment; Category: Stock exchange

Un recurso con valor económico que un individuo, corporación o país posee o controla con la expectativa de que va a proporcionar un beneficio futuro.

Domain: Banking; Category: Investment banking

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