Home > Blossary: Semiotics


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1255 Terms

Created by: federica.masante

Number of Blossarys: 31

My Terms
Collected Terms

This term is used by realists to describe a position which they associate with epistemological relativism and the denial of the existence of any knowable reality outside representational conventions.

Domain: Language; Category: General language

In ordinary use, this term refers to something which touches or adjoins something else; some semioticians use it to refer to something which is in some sense part of (or part of the same domain as) ...

Domain: Language; Category: General language

A quantitative form of textual analysis involving the categorization and counting of recurrent elements in the form or content of texts. This method can be used in conjunction with semiotic analysis ...

Domain: Language; Category: General language

The socio-cultural and personal associations produced as a reader decodes a text.

Domain: Language; Category: General language

This is a concept introduced by Freud for the psychoanalytical interpretation of dreams: in condensation, several thoughts are condensed into one symbol.

Domain: Language; Category: General language

In Jakobson's model of linguistic communication this is deemed to be one of the key functions of a sign. This function involves the (usually implicit) construction of an addressee ('ideal reader').

Domain: Language; Category: General language

Saussure's term for a sign which contains other signs. A text is usually a complex sign.

Domain: Language; Category: General language

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