Barrons Educational Series, Inc.
Industry: Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 62403
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Founded in 1941, Barron's Educational Series is a leading publisher of test preparation manuals and school directories. Among the most widely recognized of Barron's many titles in these areas are its SAT and ACT test prep books, its Regents Exams books, and its Profiles of American Colleges. In ...
Un salame italiano di carne suina e bovina molto insaporita con pepe nero e pepe rosso. Questo tipo di insaccato affusolato, sodo e asciutto è pronto per il consumo, spesso affettato molto sottilmente e usato come stuzzichino. Viene anche impiegato per aggiungere sapore a molte pietanze, come confermeranno gli estimatori della pizza al salame piccante. Vedi anche "salsiccia".
Industry:Culinary arts
A heavy, grease- and moisture-resistant paper with a number of culinary uses including lining baking pans, wrapping foods that are to be baked en papillote and to make disposable pastry bags. Parchment paper is available in gourmet kitchenware stores and many supermarkets.
Industry:Culinary arts
Made popular in the United States by soldiers who brought the idea back from Italy at the end of World War ii, pizza is thought to have evolved from early Egyptian flat bread. Literally translated, the word means "pie," but it has come to represent a round savory tart made with a crisp yeast dough covered with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese and other ingredients such as peppers, onions, Italian sausage, mushrooms, anchovies and pepperoni. Variations such as deep-dish pizza, with its thick breadlike crust, have been popular over the years. Many menus now feature pizzas sans tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese. They're topped instead with ingredients such as sun-dried tomatoes, duck sausage, fresh basil, smoked salmon, goat cheese or wild mushrooms.
Industry:Culinary arts
To cook meats or fish quickly in a heavy, ungreased (or lightly greased) frying pan over high heat. Drippings are poured off as they form.
Industry:Culinary arts
Carta pesante, resistente all'unto e all'umido con un vari impieghi in cucina come foderare i tegami da forno, avvolgere alimenti per la cottura al cartoccio e per creare tasche monouso per dolci. La carta pergamena si trova nei negozi di utensili per gourmet e in molti supermercati.
Industry:Culinary arts
Italian for "little tubes," referring culinarily to tiny, hollow pasta tubes.
Industry:Culinary arts
Grown in California, Arizona and Florida, the navel is an excellent eating orange. Its name originates from the fact that the blossom end resembles the human navel. This large fruit has a bright-orange skin that's thick and easy to peel. The pulp is sweet, flavorful and seedless. Available from late fall through late spring, the navel orange is sometimes called Washington, Riverside or Bahia navel. See also orange.
Industry:Culinary arts
Resa popolare negli Stati Uniti dai militari che portarono l'idea al ritorno dall'Italia alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale, la pizza è considerata un'evoluzione dall'antico pane piatto egiziano. Tradotto letteralmente il termine significa "torta" ma ora indica una crostata salata dalla forma rotonda preparata con una pasta lievitata friabile ricoperta con salsa di pomodoro, mozzarella ed altri ingredienti come peperoni, cipolle, salsiccia italiana, funghi, acciughe e salame piccante. Variazioni tipo la pizza alta, con crosta spessa simile al pane, sono diffuse da anni. Molti menu attualmente presentano pizze senza pomodoro e mozzarella. Vengono invece ricoperte con ingredienti tipo pomodori essiccati al sole, salsiccia d'anatra, basilico fresco, salmone affumicato, formaggio di capra o funghi selvatici.
Industry:Culinary arts
Widely cultivated in the Asian tropics, the mangosteen is no relation to the mango. In size and structure, it's much like a tangerine, having 5 to 8 fruit segments. The segmented flesh is soft, cream-colored and juicy. It has a tantalizingly sweet-tart flavor that is extremely refreshing. The hard skin of the mangosteen is a dark purple-brown. Unfortunately, the mangosteen is rarely imported to the United States.
Industry:Culinary arts
The residue that is left after the liquid is drained off when making soybean curd (tofu). This white by-product resembles wet sawdust. Okara, which is high in protein and fiber, is used in Japanese cooking for soups, vegetable dishes and even salads. It can be found in Asian markets that sell fresh tofu.
Industry:Culinary arts