The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Industry: Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 178089
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
McGraw Hill Financial, Inc. is an American publicly traded corporation headquartered in Rockefeller Center in New York City. Its primary areas of business are financial, publishing, and business services.
Vispārīgs termins, kas aptver šādus savienojumus: nātrija heksametafosfāts, nātrija metaphosphate, divaizvietotā nātrija fosfāts, nātrija fosfāts hemibasic, monobāziskais nātrija fosfāts, tribasic nātrija fosfāts, nātrija pirofosfāts un skābais nātrija pirofosfāts.
KCl neizteiksmīgs kristāli ar sāļa garša; šķīst ūdenī, nešķīst spirtā; kūst pie 776_C; izmantot kā mēslojumu un fotogrāfiju un farmaceitiskiem preparātiem. Pazīstams arī kā kālija muriate.
HNO<sub>3</sub> Strong oxidant that is fire-hazardous; colorless or yellowish liquid, miscible with water; boils at 86_C; used for chemical synthesis, explosives, and fertilizer manufacture, and in metallurgy, etching, engraving, and ore flotation. Also known as aqua fortis.
Tl<sub>2</sub> CO<sub>3</sub> Toxic, shiny, colorless needles soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol, melts at 272_C; used as an analytical reagent and in artificial gems. Also known as thallous carbonate.
Na<sub>2</sub> HPO<sub>3</sub>_5H<sub>2</sub>O White, hygroscopic crystals, melting at 53_C; soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol; used in medicine.
BaSO<sub>3</sub> A toxic, white powder; soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid; used in paper manufacturing.
Al<sub>2</sub> (SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub>_18H<sub>2</sub>O A colorless salt in the form of monoclinic crystals that decompose in heat and are soluble in water; used in papermaking, water purification, and tanning, and as a mordant in dyeing. Also known as alum.
TlCl A balts, toksiskas, gaismas jūtīgu pulveris, nedaudz šķīst ūdenī, nešķīst spirtā, kūst pie 430_C; izmantot kā katalizatoru hlorēšana un medicīnā un sauļošanās lampas. Pazīstams arī kā thallous hlorīda.
BaS<sub>4</sub>_H<sub>2</sub>O Red or yellow, rhombic crystals, soluble in water.
K<sub>2</sub>CrO<sub>4</sub> Yellow crystals, melting at 971_C; soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol; used as an analytical reagent and textile mordant, in enamels, inks, and medicines, and as a chemical intermediate.