The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Industry: Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 178089
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
McGraw Hill Financial, Inc. is an American publicly traded corporation headquartered in Rockefeller Center in New York City. Its primary areas of business are financial, publishing, and business services.
Fe(OH)<sub>2</sub> A white, water-insoluble, gelatinous solid that turns reddish-brown as it oxidizes to ferric hydroxide.
A purple salt of permanganic acid containing the MnO<sub>4</sub>sw radical; used as an oxidizing agent and a disinfectant.
SnS темные кристаллы; нерастворимые в воде, растворим (с разложением) в концентрированной соляной кислоте; тает в 880_C; используется в качестве аналитического реагента и катализатора и в материал подшипника. Также известен как сульфид олова; Олово protosulfide; Сульфид олова.
(NH<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> Colorless, rhombic crystals which melt at 140_C and are soluble in water.
А Фео черный порошок, растворим в воде, плавления на 1419_C. Также известен как черный оксид железа; окись железа.
HMnO<sub>4</sub> An unstable acid that exists only in dilute solutions; decomposes to manganese dioxide and oxygen.
SrBr<sub>2</sub>_6H<sub>2</sub>O A white, hygroscopic powder soluble in water and alcohol; loses water at 180_C, melts at 643_C; used in medicine and as an analytical reagent.
(NH<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub>S Yellow crystals, stable only when dry and below 0_C; decomposes on melting; soluble in water and alcohol; used in photographic developers and for coloring brasses and bronzes.
A nitrogen oxyanion containing an O-O peroxo bond that is a structural isomer of the nitrate ion. Species are generally distinguished by writing the chemical formula for peroxynitrite as ONOO_ and nitrate as NO<sub>3</sub>_. Other names that have been given to peroxynitrite include pernitrite and peroxonitrite; its recommended IUPAC name is oxoperoxonitrate(1-).
CrF<sub>3</sub>_4H<sub>2</sub>O Crystals that are green, soluble in water; used in dyeing cottons.