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The contents of an element in an XML stream, generally used when the element does not contain any subelements. When it does, the term content is generally used. When the only text in an XML structure is contained in simple elements and when elements that have subelements have little or no data mixed in, then that structure is often thought of as XML data, as opposed to an XML document.

  • Μέρος του λόγου: noun
  • Συνώνυμο(α):
  • Blossary:
  • Κλάδος/Τομέας: Υπολογιστές
  • Category: Workstations
  • Company: Sun
  • Προϊόν:
  • Ακρώνυμο-συντόμευση:
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Κλάδος/Τομέας: Festivals Category: Easter


An annual Christian festival in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, observed on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the ...


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