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Using specialized DNA technology to produce multiple, exact copies of a single gene or other segment of DNA to obtain enough material for further study. This process, used by researchers in the Human Genome Project, is referred to as cloning DNA. The resulting cloned (copied) collections of DNA molecules are called clone libraries. A second type of cloning exploits the natural process of cell division to make many copies of an entire cell. The genetic makeup of these cloned cells, called a cell line, is identical to the original cell. A third type of cloning produces complete, genetically identical animals such as the famous Scottish sheep, Dolly.

See also: cloning vector.

  • Μέρος του λόγου: noun
  • Συνώνυμο(α):
  • Blossary:
  • Κλάδος/Τομέας: Biology
  • Category: Genome
  • Company: U.S. DOE
  • Προϊόν:
  • Ακρώνυμο-συντόμευση:
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