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Database applications
Software that facilitates communication between a human user and a database.
Industry: Software
Προσθήκη νέου όρουContributors in Database applications
Database applications
έχει περικοπεί
Software; Database applications
Κείμενο που έχει περικοπεί είναι η συντόμευση ή τη συντομογραφία του κείμενο οφείλεται σε χώρο περιορισμένη εμφάνισης. ...
Γραμματοσειρά, σειρά τυπογραφικών στοιχείων
Software; Database applications
An ordered collection of character glyphs that provides a graphical representation of characters in a character set.
Software; Database applications
The definition of the structure and data types within a database. It can also be used to refer to an XML document that support the XML Schema W3C recommendation.
Software; Database applications
A high-level programming language developed and maintained by Sun Microsystems where applications run in a virtual machine known as a JVM. The JVM is responsible for all interfaces to the operating ...
Software; Database applications
A property of an element that consists of a name and a value separated by an equals sign and contained within the start tags after the element name. In this example, 5 , units is the attribute and ...