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General literature
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General literature
Λογοτεχνία; General literature
A fixed form of lyric poetry that consists of fourteen lines, usually written in iambic pentameter. There are two basic types of sonnets, the Italian and the English. The Italian sonnet, also known ...
Λογοτεχνία; General literature
A dramatic convention by means of which a character, alone onstage, utters his or her thoughts aloud. Playwrights use soliloquies as a convenient way to inform the audience about a character’s ...
κοινωνιολογική κριτική
Λογοτεχνία; General literature
An approach to literature that examines social groups, relationships, and values as they are manifested in literature. Sociological approaches emphasize the nature and effect of the social forces ...
Λογοτεχνία; General literature
A common figure of speech that makes an explicit comparison between two things by using words such as like, as, than, appears, and seems: "A sip of Mrs. Cook’s coffee is like a punch in the stomach." ...
Λογοτεχνία; General literature
The physical and social context in which the action of a story occurs. The major elements of setting are the time, the place, and the social environment that frames the characters. Setting can be ...
Λογοτεχνία; General literature
Ένας υποτιμητικός όρος που χρησιμοποιείται για να περιγράψει την προσπάθεια από έναν συγγραφέα να προκαλέσει συναισθηματικές αντιδράσεις στον αναγνώστη που υπερβαίνει τι που δικαιολογεί την κατάσταση. ...
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