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A database of terms pertaining to the scientific study of the atmosphere.

Contributors in Meteorology


πολλαπλή σκέδαση

Weather; Meteorology

Scattering of radiation, usually electromagnetic but possibly acoustic, by an array of objects (e. G. , atoms, molecules, particles) each of which is excited to scatter (radiate) not only by an ...

πολλαπλής σκέδαση

Weather; Meteorology

Radiative transfer in which more than one scattering event may be of importance before transmission, reflection, or absorption. Multiple-scattering is the dominant effect on the transfer of solar ...

δεξαμενή πολλαπλών χρήσεων

Weather; Meteorology

A reservoir designed and operated to serve two or more purposes, such as flood control, hydroelectric power, navigation, irrigation, pollution control, water supply, and recreation.


Weather; Meteorology

(Symbol O. ) An element, atomic number 8, atomic weight 16. 0; molecular oxygen, formula O 2 , molecular weight 32, is the second most abundant species in the atmosphere, with an abundance of ...

ζώνη οξυγόνου

Weather; Meteorology

Regions of the electromagnetic spectrum in which molecular oxygen, O 2 , absorbs solar radiation but plays an insignificant role in the direct heating of the atmosphere. This band is strong between ...


Weather; Meteorology

A nearly colorless gas, formula O 3 , molecular weight 48, that appears blue in the condensed phase or at high concentration, with a characteristic odor like that of weak chlorine. It is formed in ...

τρύπα του όζοντος

Weather; Meteorology

Μια χαρακτηριστική σοβαρή εξάντληση του στρατοσφαιρικού όζοντος που παρουσιάζεται κάθε ελατήριο πάνω από την Ανταρκτική. Η εξάντληση είναι που προκαλείται από την καταλυτική καταστροφή του όζοντος ...

Διακεκριμένα γλωσσάρια

Dump truck

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Khmer Rouge

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