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Misc restaurant
Any miscellaneous terms that pertain to restaurants.
Industry: Restaurants
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Misc restaurant
Restaurants; Culinary
In some instances this is a synonym for side dish, such as "french fries on the side". It can also refer to a sauce, salad dressing, or condiment served in a separate dish from the food item it ...
εστιατόρια οικογενειακού στυλ
Restaurants; Culinary
Εστιατόρια που έχουν σταθερά menu και σταθερή τιμή, συνήθως με diners κάθεστε σε ένα κοινόχρηστο πίνακα όπως σε καθίσματα ...
Καντονέζικο εστιατόριο
Restaurants; Culinary
A type of Chinese restaurant that originated from Guangzhou, China.