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ембрионски матични клетки
An embryonic cell that can replicate indefinitely, transform into other types of cells, and serve as a continuous source of new cells..
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Хавиер Матиас Пасторе е аргентински фудбалер кој игра за клуб од Лига 1 Пари Сен Жермен и фудбалската репрезентација на Аргентина како играч од ...
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Browers Terms By Category
- Hair salons(194)
- Laundry facilities(15)
- Vetinary care(12)
- Death care products(3)
- Gyms(1)
- Portrait photography(1)
Consumer services(226) Terms
- Digital Signal Processors (DSP)(1099)
- Test equipment(1007)
- Semiconductor quality(321)
- Silicon wafer(101)
- Components, parts & accessories(10)
- Process equipment(6)
Semiconductors(2548) Terms
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- Οργανικά λιπάσματα(10)
- Λιπάσματα ποτάσας(8)
- Ζιζανιοκτόνα(5)
- Μυκητοκτόνα(1)
- Insecticides(1)
Γεωργικές χημικές ουσίες(2207) Terms
- Air conditioners(327)
- Water heaters(114)
- Washing machines & dryers(69)
- Vacuum cleaners(64)
- Coffee makers(41)
- Cooking appliances(5)
Household appliances(624) Terms
- Wine bottles(1)
- Soft drink bottles(1)
- Beer bottles(1)