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Featured Terms
Κλάδος/Τομέας: Fruits & vegetables Category: Root vegetables
Annual or biennial plant (Raphanus sativus) of the mustard family, probably of Oriental origin, grown for its large, succulent root. Low in calories ...
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Browers Terms By Category
- Advertising(244)
- Event(2)
Marketing(246) Terms
- Misc restaurant(209)
- Culinary(115)
- Fine dining(63)
- Diners(23)
- Coffehouses(19)
- Cafeterias(12)
Restaurants(470) Terms
- Marketing communications(549)
- Online advertising(216)
- Billboard advertising(152)
- Television advertising(72)
- Radio advertising(57)
- New media advertising(40)
Advertising(1107) Terms
- Φυσικό αέριο(4949)
- Άνθρακας(2541)
- Πετρέλαιο(2335)
- Αποτελεσματικότητα ενέργειας(1411)
- Ατομική ενέργεια(565)
- Αγορά ενέργειας(526)
Ενέργεια(14403) Terms
- Yachting(31)
- Ship parts(4)
- Boat rentals(2)
- General sailing(1)