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At the wet end of the paper machine, a copper, bronze or synthetic screen that receives the suspension of water and fiber from the head-box. The wire moves the suspension along to the dry end of the machine. The wire terminates at the couch roll at which point the paper web is 90% water and can be transferred to the wet felt. In business forms, to stitch or fasten sheets to form a book or fastened set; may be side or saddle wired.

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Κλάδος/Τομέας: Τροφιμα Category: Herbs & spices

лимунова трава

herb (fresh or dried stalks or ground) Description: Long, thin, gray-green leaves. Lemon flavor and fragrance, very fibrous. Uses: Fish, chicken, ...


Διακεκριμένα γλωσσάρια

no name yet

Κατηγορία: Εκπαίδευση   2 1 Όροι

Hot Doug's Condiments

Κατηγορία: Food   1 12 Όροι