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The process of changing from one form or format to another; where information is concerned, a changeover that affects form but not substance. Types of conversion include data (changing the way information is represented), file (changing a file from one format to another), hardware (changing all or part of a computer system), media (transferring data from one storage media to another), software (changing a program designed for one platform so that it runs on another), and system (changing from one operating system to another).

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Κλάδος/Τομέας: Ιστορία Category: Παγκόσμια ιστορία

Опсада ла Рошела

Хугенотско упориште на западној обали Француске, под опсадом кардинала Ришела 15 месеци 1627-28. Три четвртине становништва је умрло од глади.


Διακεκριμένα γλωσσάρια


Κατηγορία: Other   1 21 Όροι

Concert stage rigging

Κατηγορία: Ψυχαγωγία   1 4 Όροι