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A material created through the tanning of animal hides, typically from cattle. Leather can feature course or smooth finishes, and takes dye well. Used for jackets, pants and upholstery.
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Κλάδος/Τομέας: Tourism & hospitality Category: Landmarks
Велики кинески зид
Велики кинески зид је низ камених и земљаних утврђења у северној Кини, направљен да заштити северне границе кинеске империје против упада од стране ...
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Browers Terms By Category
- Plastic injection molding(392)
- Industrial manufacturing(279)
- Paper production(220)
- Fiberglass(171)
- Contract manufacturing(108)
- Glass(45)
Manufacturing(1257) Terms
- Prevention & protection(6450)
- Fire fighting(286)
Fire safety(6736) Terms
- Φυσική γεωγραφία(2496)
- Γεωγραφία(671)
- Πόλεις & κωμοπόλεις(554)
- Χώρες & Κράτη(515)
- Capitals(283)
- Human geography(103)
Γεωγραφία(4630) Terms
- Inorganic pigments(45)
- Inorganic salts(2)
- Phosphates(1)
- Oxides(1)
- Inorganic acids(1)
Inorganic chemicals(50) Terms
- Air conditioners(327)
- Water heaters(114)
- Washing machines & dryers(69)
- Vacuum cleaners(64)
- Coffee makers(41)
- Cooking appliances(5)