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субакутна нега
Provides a comprehensive and outcome-oriented approach to care for patients requiring short-term or rehabilitation services.
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Κλάδος/Τομέας: Apparel Category: Sportswear
A swimsuit designed for Muslim women, which covers the whole body apart from the face, hands and feet. Unlike a wetsuit, the burqini is designed from ...
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Browers Terms By Category
- Architecture(556)
- Interior design(194)
- Graphic design(194)
- Landscape design(94)
- Industrial design(20)
- Application design(17)
Design(1075) Terms
- Inorganic pigments(45)
- Inorganic salts(2)
- Phosphates(1)
- Oxides(1)
- Inorganic acids(1)
Inorganic chemicals(50) Terms
- Dating(35)
- Romantic love(13)
- Platonic love(2)
- Family love(1)
Love(51) Terms
- Αλγόριθμοι & δομές(1125)
- Κρυπτογράφηση(11)
Υπολογιστές(1136) Terms
- Prevention & protection(6450)
- Fire fighting(286)